Emerson Announces Winners of 13th International Pneumobile Competition
Photo: Ádám Detzky sits in the Budapest University of Technology and Economics winning vehicle with teammates Milán Bolgár and Máté Szentes behind him. Standing from left to right are Dr. Zsolt Farkas, Réka Tobak, Zsolt Németh, Tamás Szlobodnik, Zoltán Fatér, Gergő Kimpán, Gábor Lengyel and Zoltán Takács. The team won for Most Innovative Vehicle.
Today, Emerson announced the winners of the 13th annual International AVENTICS™ Pneumobile Competition. The vehicle designs, which are based on Emerson’s pneumatic components, programmable logic controllers and edge gateways, were evaluated by a panel of eight Emerson judges following a modified, virtual design format using technical documentation and CAD drawings submitted by the student teams.
The competition began in October 2019 and participants had until the end of last year to submit their design and project documentation. A total of 48 teams entered this year’s competition from 26 different learning institutions and nine countries, with almost every Hungarian university represented.
“We see the impact that these kinds of STEM programs have in developing the abilities of new engineers,” said Istvan Gödri, managing director of Emerson’s AVENTICS Hungary Kft. “In fact, three of the eight Emerson judges, including the head of the jury, participated in the competition themselves when they were college students.”
The competition recognizes the best technical documentation, the most innovative vehicle, the most beautiful bodywork and the best controller solution presented by the teams. Winning teams were awarded a variety of prizes. Following are this year’s competition winners:
Best Technical Documentation (Tie)
• BME Műszakik AiR-115 Team
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
• Technics 5
Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonia
Most Innovative Vehicle
• BME Műszakik AiR-115 Team
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
Most Beautiful Bodywork
• Technics 5
Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonia
Best Controller Solution
• BME Löködönc Green Thunder Team
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
More than 1,600 engineers have participated in the event during the 12 years it has run. This competition has given students hands-on experience in pneumatics engineering concepts, teamwork and project management. “The task of designing a vehicle for the pneumobile competition is a great way for the next generation of engineers to apply the skills they’ve learned to real-world challenges,” Gödri said.
The International AVENTICS Pneumobile Competition further demonstrates Emerson’s long-standing commitment to the future workforce, including supporting over 350 academic institutions globally in a variety of programs.